Saturday, October 4, 2008

Katie Price's in-store signing of her latest perfume 'Besotted' at Debenhams in the Trafford Centre in Manchester

Katie Price's in-store signing of her latest perfume 'Besotted' at Debenhams in the Trafford Centre in Manchester

Katie Price's in-store signing of her latest perfume 'Besotted' at Debenhams in the Trafford Centre in Manchester

Katie Price's in-store signing of her latest perfume 'Besotted' at Debenhams in the Trafford Centre in Manchester

Katie Price's in-store signing of her latest perfume 'Besotted' at Debenhams in the Trafford Centre in Manchester

Hundreds of girls were waiting to meet Katie Price at her signing of perfume 'Besotted' and it brought the store to a standstill due to the
volume of people stopping to catch a glimpse of Katie.

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